Category Archives: Wellness

Our Favorite Water Infusing Blends 

To remain healthy, you should consume 2 liters of water every day. That’s 2 glasses at each meal. This may not sound too demanding, but there are many people who just can’t stand the taste of plain water. Even Lipsey Water, your premier provider for home water delivery in Atlanta, with our delicious, chemical-free mountain […]

Refreshing Drink Recipes for the Summer  

The end of summer may be in sight, but here in Atlanta, the days are still scorching hot. In order to get you through the blistering summer heat, it’s advisable to drink plenty of water. Because Lipsey Mountain Spring Water provides both hot and cold water dispensers to Atlanta, you have no excuse NOT to […]

Benefits of Drinking Living Water

Water quenches our thirst after being out in the hot Atlanta sun and is a great refreshment to enjoy with any meal or on its own. However, water provides an assortment of amazing benefits that go beyond these everyday activities. Drinking water regularly improves your energy levels, helps control calories, and rejuvenates your skin. While […]

Is Plastic Use Destroying Our Water?

It sometimes seems impossible to avoid plastic in our everyday lives. Unfortunately, even with so many healthy and environmentally friendly alternatives to plastic in our world today, the average American still throws away over 185 pounds of it every year. The majority of this plastic waste ends up in landfills and even worse, our water […]

5 Most Ignored Signs of Dehydration 

As a native, visitor or long-term guest to Atlanta, Georgia, it does not take long to realize that Spring, though arguably the prettiest season, is the most disastrous of seasons.  Between the heat, humidity and unavoidable amount of pollen, springtime in Atlanta is just plain harsh. In order to stay healthy and prevent dehydration, drinking […]

8 Ways to Make Drinking Water a Habit

Water is even more vital than food for maintaining human health; yet so many people fall short of consuming the daily-suggested amount. Sixty percent of the average adult body is made up of water and it is necessary to have at least eight glasses of water per day in order to sustain that percentage. Aside […]

Can Drinking More Water Help Allergies?

Every year millions of people are effected by the brutal triggers of seasonal allergies. While sneezing, runny nose, itchy and watery eyes are all pretty common indicators allergy discomfort, dehydration may be the most important and often most overlooked symptom. Changing temperatures and drier air are harsh on the body’s ability to stay hydrated. Drinking […]

How to Keep Your Water Dispenser Clean

Ease Your Water Dispenser Fears Nothing beats the convenience of having icy cold or steaming hot spring water available whenever you want it, at the mere touch of a lever. It’s especially convenient to have a hot and cold water dispenser in Atlanta right now; when the weather is balmy one day and frigid the […]

Can You Trust Your Tap Water?

Most people agree that, even if it doesn’t always taste the best, tap water is generally safe. It’s cheap and readily available, so why bother with the additional expense of home water delivery in Atlanta? The trouble is, the government only requires annual testing of municipal water and a lot can happen in a year. […]


HELLO, Water Friends! 

With the Holiday Season upon us, we know many of you are hosting gatherings for family and friends, or traveling out of town. We want to ensure you have adequate supplies of water to last from one delivery cycle to the next.

In order to serve you better, please let us know should you require additional bottles on your next delivery as we may not be able to get you added to the schedule off cycle.  Wishing you all a safe, fun & happy holiday season!