What Are the Different Types of Drinking Water?

What Are the Different Types of Drinking Water | Lipsey Water

Staying hydrated and drinking high quality water is essential to living a healthy life. But with so many different “types” of water, it’s hard to know what’s best or what the difference is between them. You can ensure you’re getting the freshest water when you sign up for home water delivery in Atlanta, but keep reading to learn more about your options.

Tap Water in Atlanta, Georgia

A majority of the Atlanta-area water comes from the Chattahoochee River Basin. In fact, North Georgia uses surface water sources for 99% of its water supply. Unfortunately, the area’s rainfall is unpredictable, has no natural lakes, and minimal water supply where the rivers begin. As a result, residents’ water comes from man-made reservoirs that are used to preserve water in high precipitation periods and utilized during droughts.

Although tap water is considered safe by the EPA, drinking it can cause health problems. During its filtration, chlorine is added to the water. Although it’s technically safe for human consumption, chlorine can lead to a variety of health complications and could lead to cancer. The risk of lead is also a prevalent concern since tap water passes through pipes made of this dangerous material.

Distilled Water Isn’t as Safe as It Seems

This type of water is created through a boiling process. When the water reaches the temperature of 212 degrees Fahrenheit, the water’s contaminants are eliminated, including inorganic minerals and metals.

The distilled water you see on shelves is actually the steam that is captured and stored from this process. Volatile compounds, which have a much lower boiling point than water, are of the first particles to burn off. Because of this, additional purification methods need to be implemented if you want 100% pure, clean water.

Filtered Water is Rejuvenated Tap Water

You’re most likely to see filtered water in grocery stores. It comes from local, municipal tap water, and is sent through carbon filters to eliminate the chlorine. Although this chemical is what makes water taste better, it’s also dangerous to your health. From there, it’s ozonated and bottled. Because it comes from a local source and is minimally filtered, it’s similar in nature to spring water.

The Freshness of Blue Ridge Mountain Spring Water

Coming from a cold, deep rock embedded in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, this water is pure, crisp, and delicious. Surrounded by national forest, the deep rock spring is located on 180 acres of pristine, family-owned land. This level of seclusion provides protection from contamination by industry or agriculture.

Lipsey spring water, coming from the Blue Ridge Mountains, undergoes rigorous testing for nearly 100 inorganic and organic chemicals, metals, and other contaminants by the National Testing Laboratories. Our purity is our passion, and it’s so well trusted that Lipsey has been the sole provider of water to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) since 1991.

If you want to get fresh, crisp spring water delivered to your door, whether home or office, sign up with Lipsey Water for a free, two-week trial. Lipsey Water’s high-grade glass bottles have been uniquely designed and crafted by renowned glass masters in Murano, Italy, the glass capital of the world. Our water is bottled in glass and delivered in class. Contact us today to start your free trial.


HELLO, Water Friends! 

With the Holiday Season upon us, we know many of you are hosting gatherings for family and friends, or traveling out of town. We want to ensure you have adequate supplies of water to last from one delivery cycle to the next.

In order to serve you better, please let us know should you require additional bottles on your next delivery as we may not be able to get you added to the schedule off cycle.  Wishing you all a safe, fun & happy holiday season!