7 Delicious Snack Ideas for Your Office

Delicious Snack Ideas for Your Office

During an ideal workday, your employees are able to take a full hour for lunch, relax a bit, and eat a healthy meal. But few days are ideal.

In fact, more often than not, your employees are juggling multiple projects, have a number of meets throughout the day, and don’t have time to take a full hour to eat. Some may end up eating quickly at their desk, while others may only have time for a small snack.

Some people may not even get enough to drink during the day, even if you have office water delivery in Atlanta.

Having a break room stocked with delicious and healthy snacks can help your employees get through those days when they don’t have much time to eat or simply need a little extra boost of energy to get through the afternoon.

Here are some delicious snack ideas you should have on hand.


Nuts are a great source of protein, and they remain good for quite some time. Plus, it’s easy to grab a quick handful between tasks. A number of offices have shied away from nuts due to allergies, so be certain no one in the office has a nut allergy before you purchase them for the break room.


Another good source of protein that is low in carbs and sugar is cheese. You can purchase a cheese and cracker tray, single servings of cubed cheese, or get individually wrapped string cheese. All are good options that are a little more filling than sugary snacks full of empty calories.

Protein and Power Bars

These bars are excellent for those who find themselves running from meeting to meeting between 10:30 and 2:00 with absolutely no break for a meal. They’re easy to eat, leave no mess behind, and come in a wide variety of flavors. There are some protein bars out there that actually aren’t very healthy, though, so do some research and read the nutritional information.

Dried and Fresh Fruits

Fresh fruit is great, but it can also go bad and cause a smell if no one eats it. If your office isn’t really into fresh fruits, consider dried fruits. They contain a good number of nutrients and fiber, and just like nuts, it’s easy to grab a handful every now and then. Some dried fruits do contain additional sugar, though, so be sure to check.


Carrot sticks have been a core part of after-school snacks for years, and there’s a reason. They’re low in sugar but high in vitamins and minerals. You can get some low-fat ranch dressing for people to dip the carrots in if they don’t like them plain.

Trail Mix

Trail mix is a great way of combining several of the snacks listed above into one. You can mix nuts, dried fruit, and other snacks into your trail mix to make it tasty, healthy, and unique. You can either make your own for the office or buy it pre-mixed and ready to serve.

Fresh Mountain Spring Water

Don’t forget the water! It’s vital that your team keeps hydrated during the day. Being well hydrated has shown to have a major impact on a person’s ability to think, problem solve, and remain alert. Those who become dehydrated simply don’t perform as well as those who drink water throughout the day. Lipsey Water is delivered right to your office on a regular schedule, so your employees will always have fresh, cool water to drink.

Arrange Delivery Today

If your office doesn’t have a water service, give us a call today. We’re so sure you’ll love our water that we offer a free two-week trial with no obligation at all! Contact us to set up your first delivery.


HELLO, Water Friends! 

With the Holiday Season upon us, we know many of you are hosting gatherings for family and friends, or traveling out of town. We want to ensure you have adequate supplies of water to last from one delivery cycle to the next.

In order to serve you better, please let us know should you require additional bottles on your next delivery as we may not be able to get you added to the schedule off cycle.  Wishing you all a safe, fun & happy holiday season!