How to Talk Your Boss into Office Water Delivery

How to Talk Your Boss into Office Water Delivery

As more employees are going back to the office, health and wellness are top priorities for everyone. Part of making a workplace healthy and supportive of everyone’s well-being includes providing employees with access to clean water. Water delivery for an office space is a great way to provide all employees easy access to safe and healthy drinking water. If your office doesn’t have a water cooler, then you might be wondering how you can talk your boss into office water delivery. Instead of worrying about tap water and spring water vs. purified water, you can talk to your boss about investing in a safe and healthy option for everyone to access water in a convenient way.

Benefits of Water Delivery at the Office

Offering a central location with bottled water delivery at the office can provide a myriad of benefits to a team of employees. Studies have shown that workplace morale actually improves when the office has a water cooler. Here are a few examples of how your workplace can benefit from water delivery, all of which you should highlight when discussing office water delivery with your boss.

  • Hydration and Health
    In this day and age of focusing on health, one simple and easy way to do that is by providing employees with a way to hydrate. Most employees are much more likely to remember to grab a cup of coffee than they are a cup of water. However, water is key to keeping everyone hydrated and healthy throughout the day. While everyone may have their own designated coffee cup and know where to find the coffee machine, a water cooler nearby can also remind people to stay hydrated. Providing drinking water in a central area will help encourage a healthy habit of drinking water throughout the day.
  • Improved Productivity and Lowered Stress
    Staying hydrated and drinking lots of water throughout the day is also known to improve productivity in people. When people don’t drink enough water throughout the day, they can become slightly dehydrated, which can contribute to mental fatigue, poor moods, and struggling to concentrate. When employees experience any of these, their productivity can drastically decrease. Water helps to increase brain activity and lower your stress so you can focus better on getting the job done. It may help bosses to understand how much of an impact easy access to healthy hydration options can impact productivity and morale in the office.
  • Easy Delivery Options
    Opting for a water delivery system actually helps reduce stress and strain on the boss as well. Easy delivery options on a regular schedule eliminates the worry of remembering whether the water cooler is filled or if the tap filter needs to be changed. Instead, a company like Lipsey Water can handle the water delivery process and make sure all employees have access to fresh drinking water. Lipsey Water is a locally owned and operated company that serves all of metro Atlanta with crystalline Blue Ridge Mountain spring water.

What Type of Water Is Best

When you order water delivery, it helps to understand the difference between spring water vs purified water. The two main types of bottled water are spring and purified water. In order for water to be safe for consumption, it has to be filtered to a certain degree. Tap water has some of the least restrictions and standards for purity compared to purified and spring waters. Purified water can come from a variety of sources, including springs, oceans, tap-water systems, and wells. This water then undergoes a process of purification to remove any harmful particles and substances. However, spring water has the highest purity specifications and standards of all water types. Spring water comes from natural springs in the mountains and the mountain rocks actually help provide a natural form of filtration. This is also what gives spring water more naturally occurring minerals and makes for better tasting water.

The most important aspect of your water is knowing its source. At Lipsey Water, the water we use is sourced from the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina on family-owned land protected by national forest land and free from industrial or agricultural contaminants. We bottle water in hand-crafted glass bottles that better maintains the fresh taste of the mountain spring water. Instead of plastic bottles and harsh cleaning chemicals, we deliver glass bottles and heat sterilize them between each use. Learn more about how to schedule easy and refreshing water delivery to your metro Atlanta office with Lipsey Water.


HELLO, Water Friends! 

With the Holiday Season upon us, we know many of you are hosting gatherings for family and friends, or traveling out of town. We want to ensure you have adequate supplies of water to last from one delivery cycle to the next.

In order to serve you better, please let us know should you require additional bottles on your next delivery as we may not be able to get you added to the schedule off cycle.  Wishing you all a safe, fun & happy holiday season!