Is Fluoride in Drinking Water? How Much of It is Safe?

When you go to the dentist, you might get a fluoride treatment to help strengthen tooth enamel and prevent decay. People at a higher risk for cavities and tooth decay can benefit from additional fluoride protection, especially among adults. But did you know fluoride can also be found in your drinking water? In fact, in […]


Water Vs. Soda: Which Drink Hydrates Better And Why!

Hydration is critical to maintaining a healthy and functional body. A hydrated body means there is an even and balanced level of water and other particles in the blood and cells so that they can work well and fuel our active lives. Our bodies are mostly made of water, and even a small loss of […]


Why Staying Hydrated Throughout the Day Is Important

It is vital to your health that you drink enough water throughout the day— It helps support healthy functioning and prevents dehydration. Over half the human body is made up of water and it is an essential part of human life. Vital organs like your brain, heart, and lungs are made up of water – […]


What Is BPA? Is BPA in Plastic Water Bottles Dangerous?

We live in a world where plastic is used for so many things. From foods and beverages to toys and electronics, it seems like just about everything is wrapped in plastic these days. While plastic may make certain processes more convenient and inexpensive, its negative impact on our health and the global environment cannot be […]


What Is the Best Water Bottle: Glass, Plastic, or Metal?

Reusable water bottles provide you with an easy way to stay hydrated while also making a fun fashion statement! When you have a reusable water bottle with you, it can encourage you to drink more water throughout the day, which is essential to staying healthy. But how do you know the best water bottle to […]


The Health Benefits of Tea vs. Water

Would you like your water with or without wet leaves in it? It might sound like a strange question, but it’s one that millions of people worldwide ask themselves every day the moment they think about having tea to drink. Tea is a drink that dates back to ancient civilizations and is just as varied […]


Is Drinking Cold Water Bad for You?

Each culture has its fair share of superstitions regarding food: tossing salt over your shoulder is good luck, eating greens on New Year’s Day brings good fortune, and garlic is a great vampire repellant. However, one of these superstitions may have truth to it, and that’s the belief that drinking cold water is bad for […]


Benefits of Drinking Warm or Room Temperature Water

From our American point of view, drinking water at any temperature that isn’t at least slightly chilled may seem off-putting. Even so, water is commonly drunk at higher temperatures around the world in various countries and for various reasons. In some cases, it may be a necessity. However, the question must be asked: what if […]


Water’s Journey through the Human Body

Everyone’s taken a sip of water at least once in their lifetime. However, not everyone knows what happens when you drink water. How the human body processes water is an extremely complex process involving multiple organs—even ones beyond the digestive tract. Here at Lipsey, we provide office water delivery in Atlanta and as experts on what […]


HELLO, Water Friends! 

With the Holiday Season upon us, we know many of you are hosting gatherings for family and friends, or traveling out of town. We want to ensure you have adequate supplies of water to last from one delivery cycle to the next.

In order to serve you better, please let us know should you require additional bottles on your next delivery as we may not be able to get you added to the schedule off cycle.  Wishing you all a safe, fun & happy holiday season!