Helpful Tips to Boost Employee Retention

Helpful Tips to Boost Employee Retention

Most modern businesses agonize over how to retain valuable employees, but you might be surprised that simple gestures and perks for your employees can help you to do just that. After all, the contentment people derive from their work is actually composed of many factors from professional recognition and monetary compensation to a convenient parking space, office water delivery, or even a good cup of coffee. It’s no secret that competent personnel tend to migrate from job to job, looking for greener pastures while trying to climb the corporate ladder. However, there’s a great deal you can bring to the table to keep your best employees where they are.

Hire the Right People

Retaining the best personnel begins with recruiting them in the first place. There is no percentage in making the considerable investment required to onboard a new employee if that person won’t suit your environment. On paper, someone may look like the best candidate to fill a given position, but if they don’t share your general vision and values, there’s no point in moving forward. That candidate will soon be down the road. You should fine-tune your hiring process to reflect your unique professional viewpoint.

Promote Personal Growth

Once you have put the right people in place, listen to them. After all, you valued them enough to bring them in, and you should also value their suggestions for change. Those on your staff who constitute your greatest assets will be clever and reasonably ambitious. The final decisions will still be yours, of course, but you should let them stretch their wings. They will be the source of your best ideas. Even when those ideas aren’t implemented, it’s important to acknowledge how much they’re appreciated. Otherwise, the source could dry up. Promoting the personal growth of your employees is every bit as important as furthering business expansion. In fact, one can’t progress without the other.

Corporate Culture Matters

Believe it or not, many people have changed jobs just to enjoy a more informal dress code. Others want a more tolerant attitude toward their childcare needs. Some people are willing to make far less money working for an environmentally friendly business than earning more from an indifferent competitor. You may or may not be able to make any of these concessions to your employees, but the character of your company is important to them. You should be able to define it and recruit like-minded people.


There is no substitute for a pleasant working environment. Many employees bond at their jobs and maintain those friendships for years. This benefits the business because teamwork is the backbone of every successful project. Encourage that atmosphere. A shared birthday cake costs very little, and company outings give everyone a chance to relax away from the office. Create an enjoyable break room with a good coffee machine, a proper microwave, comfortable furniture and office water delivery. Never underestimate the personal interaction that takes place around the water cooler.

Health and Well-Being

Investing in your employees’ health lets them know you care while also improving your bottom line. Healthy people are both happier and more productive. Try putting nutritious snacks in the break room, sponsoring athletic events and starting healthy challenges. Office water delivery of natural spring water is a great place to start. Contact us today for your water delivery needs!


HELLO, Water Friends! 

With the Holiday Season upon us, we know many of you are hosting gatherings for family and friends, or traveling out of town. We want to ensure you have adequate supplies of water to last from one delivery cycle to the next.

In order to serve you better, please let us know should you require additional bottles on your next delivery as we may not be able to get you added to the schedule off cycle.  Wishing you all a safe, fun & happy holiday season!