The Truth That Plastic Water Bottle Companies Dont Tell You

Truth about Plastic Water Bottle

The world is facing a crisis with plastic. We’re now finding more and more plastic in our water, soil and even the air we breathe. The problem has reached such epic proportions that there is even an international day devoted to discussing how we can reduce the amount of plastic waste we produce. As awareness of this problem grows, so does the demand for alternatives to plastic water bottles.

The problem is that these plastic water bottles are usually not as eco-friendly and clean as companies put out. Continue reading to find out more about why you should put down your plastic water bottle, pick up a reusable bottle, and seek clean water sources like mountain spring water with Lipsey!

The Problems With Plastic Bottled Water That Companies Hide

Drinking water out of a plastic bottle is bad for your health and the environment. While some people might choose it out of convenience, others might not realize the hidden dangers of plastic bottled water. Below, we list problems with bottled water and plastic bottle waste.

Plastic Bottled Water Is Rarely Recycled

When you buy a bottle of water, you probably imagine that it will be recycled and used again. Unfortunately, that is not the case with plastic water bottles. Instead, most of them end up in a landfill. The fact is that many recycling facilities don’t accept water bottles because they’re difficult to clean and sanitize. It is estimated that about 90 percent of plastic water bottles used in the U.S. aren’t recycled. This means that almost all of them end up in landfills where they will degrade over many years.

Plastic Bottles Are Wasteful To Make

The process of making plastic water bottles not only puts a lot of pollutants into the air but also uses up a lot of water. More than 16 million barrels of oil are used every year just to make plastic water bottles. This means that a lot of energy is needed to create this amount of plastic. It also means that fossil fuels are being used up at a rapid rate. Unfortunately, we don’t have as many places that can produce clean energy so this continues.

These fossil fuels produce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that are harmful to the environment. Most of them are also non-renewable resources that will run out eventually. What’s worse is that the bottles are usually made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) which isn’t biodegradable. This means that they don’t break down naturally and will last in the environment for centuries.

Most Plastic Bottled Water Contain Microplastics & Other Contaminants

While the danger of BPA in plastic bottles has been well documented, another threat that most people don’t even realize is there is microplastic contamination. This happens when larger pieces of plastic break down into smaller pieces. Unfortunately, microplastics are very common in bottled water. Aside from this, plastic bottles also contain other contaminants that can make the water unsafe to drink. According to Consumer Reports, about 10 percent of the water bottles tested had bacteria levels that exceeded public health guidelines. And about one in 10 had bacteria that were resistant to at least one type of antibiotic. Most of these contaminants come from the process of bottling the water. In fact, according to a report by the Natural Resources Defense Council, most contaminants come from the dirty water being drawn up to begin with.

Single-Use Plastic Water Bottles Endanger Wildlife And The Environment

Single-use plastic water bottles’ environmental impact water endangers not only our health but also wildlife and the environment. In many cases, when people throw away their single-use plastic water bottles, they end up in oceans, lakes and rivers. And when animals eat these bottles, they can get very sick and even die. In fact, according to the Ocean Conservancy, about 90 percent of marine mammals have been found with plastic in their stomachs. And about one in three birds have ingested plastic. One of the biggest problems with plastic water bottles is that they don’t biodegrade. So, they just break down into smaller and smaller pieces. And those fragments are not only bad for the animals that eat them, but they’re also bad for the environment as a whole. They can clog waterways and cause damage to marine ecosystems.

You Cannot Reuse Plastic Water Bottles

Perhaps you may have thought of reusing your plastic water bottle, but most bottles are only safe for one use. Most plastic water bottles are sold in polyethylene terephthalate aka PET bottles. When reusing PET bottles, chemicals may leach into the water and into your body. Studies indicate that these bottles may leach DEHP, a human carcinogen, when the bottle is compromised through wear and tear.

There are also some water bottles that may contain bisphenol A or BPA. This is a chemical linked to disruptions in the endocrine system which may impact hormonal balance.

Recycling Plastic Water Bottles Won’t Solve The Plastic Problem

Recycling sounds like a good idea, but the problems of recycling water bottles are much heavier than it seems. The few plastic bottles that are actually recycled come out as new plastic water bottles. This means that the plastic problem is just being shifted from one place to another. More than that, the Plastic Pollution Coalition reports that in 2018, only 2% of municipal plastic wastes were recycled and more than six times of plastic waste were incarcerated. Bottled water company BlueTriton has recently been under fire because of suggesting that they are addressing the plastic problem through recycling as seen on their marketing campaigns when there is evidence that recycling doesn’t do much.

To really solve the plastic problem, we have to stop using so much of it. That means using more reusable water bottles and fewer single-use plastic water bottles. In fact, it is better to just avoid plastic bottles by buying glass or metal containers.

Why Are Glass Water Bottles Better Than Plastic Bottles?

Glass water bottles are a better choice than plastic ones for many reasons. The first and most obvious reason is that glass bottles don’t contain any harmful chemicals and won’t be leaching any chemicals into the water. They are also biodegradable and can be recycled over and over again. Glass water bottles are also easy to clean and come in a variety of styles, sizes and colors.

Make the switch to glass bottles with Lipsey Water today. Our bottles are made from natural materials like silica, sand, soda ash, and limestone and are sterilized to be 100% reusable. Filled with fresh and pure mountain spring water, it is guaranteed safe for both home and office use. Contact Lipsey today to know more about our Atlanta water delivery services.


HELLO, Water Friends! 

With the Holiday Season upon us, we know many of you are hosting gatherings for family and friends, or traveling out of town. We want to ensure you have adequate supplies of water to last from one delivery cycle to the next.

In order to serve you better, please let us know should you require additional bottles on your next delivery as we may not be able to get you added to the schedule off cycle.  Wishing you all a safe, fun & happy holiday season!