How Important Is Your Drinking Water’s pH?

How Important Is Your Drinking Water’s pH

You have likely seen and heard advertisements for various types of water, some of which boast various pH levels and water from the freshest sources in the world. But how do you know what the best pH for drinking water is and what sources you can trust? Much like the difference between spring and mineral water, the pH level of drinking water is important because it can affect the water’s taste, odor, and ability to dissolve minerals. The appropriate pH level for your water source can have a direct impact on the quality of water you consume each day. Here’s what you need to know about your drinking water’s pH levels.

What Is pH, and What Does It Measure?

A water’s pH stands for “potential hydrogen” and measures the acidity or alkalinity of the water. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. Water with a pH of less than 7 is considered more acidic, while water with a pH greater than 7 is considered alkaline or basic. The pH measurement of water is important for various chemical and biological processes, including soil fertility, the health of local aquatic systems, and the quality of your drinking water. Water quality professionals determine the appropriate pH level for a specific source of water.

Factors That Affect Water’s pH

There are several factors that can affect the pH of water, including the following.

Natural Sources

Water can become too acidic, or have a lower pH level, due to an increased presence of dissolved carbon dioxide and organic acids from decaying vegetation near a natural water source. The microorganisms and plants in and around a natural source of water can also change the pH of the water because of their biological activity.

Human Activities

Human activities, including agriculture, industrial, and sewage discharge, can introduce various chemicals into the water that can impact the pH levels. When unnatural elements or chemicals are added to water sources, even if on accident, this can impact the quality and safety of the water you drink.

Treatment Processes

Water treatment processes can include adding chemicals or removing contaminants to adjust the pH levels. Various federal, state, and local entities control public water sources and have treatment processes in place to help address the quality of drinking sources for a specific area.

How Does Different pH Affect Your Drinking Water?

Different pH levels in drinking water can have various effects on both the water quality and how the water impacts the health of humans who consume it. Any contaminants in drinking water can also affect the safety of the water, regardless of the pH levels, so you want to drink water that meets health standards. Here are a few ways the different pH levels can affect drinking water.

The Effects of Drinking Water that is Too Acidic

If your water has a pH of less than 6.5, it is considered acidic. This type of water may have a sour taste and can impact the pipes and plumbing fixtures that the water moves through. Acidic water with a lower pH can cause corrosion in pipes and lead to lead, copper, and other metals leaching into the water, which can be harmful to ingest. If consumed in high amounts, the release of heavy metals can result in toxicity or gastrointestinal problems.

The Effects of Drinking Water that is Too Alkaline

If your water has a pH greater than 8.5, it is considered basic or alkaline. This type of water may taste bitter or soapy and can also result in scaling in pipes. Too much basic water with a high pH moving through pipes can cause scaling, reduce water flow, and increase the risk of corrosion. Extremely alkaline water can also interfere with normal functioning in the body, leading to health problems.

What Is the Best pH for Drinking Water?

Drinking water is considered within the safe range when it has a pH level of 6.5-8.5. Water with a normal pH level between 6.5 and 8.5 can have several benefits, including improved taste, reduced health risks, and better hydration. Natural pH water has a neutral taste, unlike the sour or bitter tastes associated with acidic or alkaline water. Water with a normal pH also reduces the risk of heavy metal toxicity and other health problems associated with drinking water with a pH that is too low or too high. Natural pH water is more easily absorbed by the body, which can improve your hydration and support your overall health.

For fresh spring water with a healthy pH level, choose Lipsey Water, with friendly and fast delivery service in the Atlanta area. Lipsey Water comes from a trusted source, and you can enjoy crystal clear spring water from the Blue Ridge Mountains delivered right to your door. Lipsey Water is guaranteed for its purity and is highly respected for its water quality. Call or visit us online today to learn more about Lipsey Mountain Spring Water and our home and office delivery services in the metro Atlanta area.